Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Facilitator--I Hope I Can?

Original Post:  Sunday, January 17, 2010

As I begin this first BLOG of the New Year and new course, I have been given a lot to think about. First, let me say it has been an interesting first week. My family and I left for Michigan on Friday evening and felt sure we would be able to get internet access at our home up there. To our surprise it is too far from any signal to successfully connect at our home. I obviously needed Wi-Fi so that I could post my blog and respond to the discussions before Sunday night: and the search began. Thanks to McDonalds they have Wi-Fi.  Lunch in McDonalds and a Wi-Fi for desert what a way to go.   It’s great to be in the rural areas with their beautiful scenery, but they sure do have their drawbacks.  

Regarding my facfilitating and online learning for one week, I am both excited and nervous.  I chose the week for facilitating and really hope I can be a quality facilitator.  The online posrtion of the session doesn't scare me as much as the facilitating.  In the last class I had so many problems with Wimba.  The Wimba tech and I spent almost two hours together trying to get me on ( as you can read in my previous Blog).  I only hope that the computer, Wimba and I get along better this time.    As I read through the What Makes a Successful Online Facilitator?  from the Illinois Online Network, I worry that I will not be able to really do well because number seven states, "they should be experienced and well trained in online learning experience,"  and that I am not.  I am not even sure I know the meat and postatoes for the content I choose Unit 5--Pedagogical Role:  Explores the pedagogical role of instructors and looks at some of the specific teaching strategies that have proven iffective in the online environment.  I chose this section because I really want to learn the teaching strategies that will help me be a good online facilitator and teacher.
I realize, as one of my classmates so simply put it, that there are still the instructor, students, and content to teach: just like in my face to face class room but, I can’t see the faces online. I guess that’s what makes me so uncomfortable. I truly feel there is such great potential for having classes online; otherwise I would not be in this certificate program. My trouble lies in the fact that I am a perfectionist, so learning new thing can sometimes be difficult for me.

I really hope I can live up to the expectations of my peers in my facilitating.

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